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Rev. 2021-02-02
Integrated Detector Electronics AS
Gjerdrums Vei 19, 0484 Oslo, Norway
IDEAS integrated circuits are designed for the readout of radiation detectors and image sensors. The circuits are available as bare dice (BD) or packaged chips, sold from stock and supplied on short notice. Although the ICs are application specific (ASIC) they are also suited for other applications. Some chips are only available with application specific boards (COB) or carrier boards (CB). A development system, called Galao kit, is available for most circuits to accelerate new product developments.
Rev. 2021-02-02
Integrated Detector Electronics AS
Gjerdrums Vei 19, 0484 Oslo, Norway
IDEAS integrated circuits are designed for the readout of radiation detectors and image sensors. The circuits are available as bare dice (BD) or packaged chips, sold from stock and supplied on short notice. Although the ICs are application specific (ASIC) they are also suited for other applications. Some chips are only available with application specific boards (COB) or carrier boards (CB). A development system, called Galao kit, is available for most circuits to accelerate new product developments.
These are arrays of low-noise amplifiers (LNA) or charge sensing amplifiers (CSA), with track-and-hold (T&H) and multiplexed output (mux). These include the Viking Amplifiers (VA).
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector (examples) |
IDE1060 EARL | 34 LNA, diff. in/out, 8 gain, 4.3nV/√Hz at 10kHz, 20mW/LNA, 3.5VDD, 77K to 20ºC, BD, CQFP, 10.13140/RG.2.2.27382.65607 | Infrared sensor and focal plane array readout, 10.1117/12.858063 | MCT, HgCdTe |
IDE1140 | 64 CSA (±200 fC, 6.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Charged particle tracking, e.g., AMS, DAMPE 10.1016/j.nima.2008.05.015 | Silicon (Si) strips |
IDE1160 | 32 CSA (-5 pC to +13 pC, 2 µs), mux. output pulse height, BD | Spectroscopy or calorimetry, e.g. DAMPE 10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.036 | Photomultiplier (PMT) |
IDE1162 | 32 CSA (±1.5 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Charged particle tracking | Wire chamber, MWPC |
IDE1163 | 32 CSA (±750 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Charged particle tracking, e.g. BM@N | Wire chamber, MWPC |
IDE1180 AMADEUS | 16 CSA (prg. ±50, ±100, ±200, ±400 fC, 40 ns), with T&H, output for every amplifier, BD | Spectroscopy, imaging, e.g. ultra-violet, neutron detectors, 10.1117/12.2058412 | Micro-channel plate (MCP, GEM, RPC, MSGC, MWPC, TPC) |
VASCM3 | 3 128 CSA (±1 pC to ±20 pC) switched current mode (SCM), 50 ns to ms integration time, correlated double sampling (CDS), dead time free readout, mux. output, COB | Current mode x-ray readout, portal imaging, radiation dosimetry, 10.1016/j.nima.2004.03.079 | Silicon, thin-film transistor (TFT) arrays, CZT, Hgl |
VA32HDR14.2 | 32 CSA (-2 pC to + 13 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | CALET | |
VA32HDR14.3 | 32 CSA (-20 pC to + 8 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Readout system for multi-anode PMT, e.g., ROSMAP | Multi-anode photomultiplier (MA-PMT) |
VA2 | 128 CSA (±14 fC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, 10.1016/0168-9002(94)90140-6 | Charged particle tracking, 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01062-8 | Silicon (Si) strips and pads |
ADC – Analog-to-Digital Converters
These are analog-to-digital converters, with and without triple modular redundancy (TMR). The TMR increases the radiation tolerance. The ADCs are IDEAS intellectual property (IP) blocks and can be combined with other circuits..
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector (examples) |
TBD(1) | SAR, 12-bit, 2 Msps, 10.5 ENOB, 25 mW, TMR, IP only | Science, Space | SiPM/PMT with APOCAT |
TBD(2) | SAR, 12-bit, 50 ksps, 11.5 ENOB, 1 mW, TMR, IP only | Science, Space | SiPM/PMT with SIPHRA |
TBD(3) | Pipeline, 14-bit, 12 Msps, 13 ENOB, 250 mW, TMR, IP only | Science, Space | MCT with NIRCA Mk2 |
TBD(4) | Pipeline, 14-bit, 20 Msps, 350 mW, IP only | Image Sensors | MBA with MINC |
ROICs for Radiation Detectors with Pulse Height Spectroscopy
These are arrays of charge sensitive amplifiers (CSA) with track and hold (T&H) and comparators to generate a trigger for the pulse height readout.
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector |
IDE3160 | 32 CSA (-5 pC to +13 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and one trigger, BD | Spectroscopy or calorimetry, e.g., DAMPE 10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.036 | Photomultiplier (PMT) |
VATAGP7 | 128 CSA (±30 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and address, BD | Charged particle tracking 10.1016/j.nima.2015.03.078 | Si, hybrid photon detector (HPD), GEM |
VATAGP8 | 128 CSA (±250 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and address, BD | Charged particle tracking, neutron detector | Si, hybrid photon detector (HPD) |
VATAGP9 | 256 CSA (±90 fC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and address, BD | Charged particle tracking, e.g. AEGIS | Si strips and pads |
IDE3421 | 128 CSA (prg. up to ±500 fC) with sampling pipeline, mux. output of sampled values and address, COB, footnote 1. | Gamma spectroscopy, isotope identification, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551939, e.g., COBRA | CZT, CdTe, TlBr, Germanium |
VATA64HDR16 | 64 CSA (-20 pC to +50 pC, 50 ns to 300 ns), T&H, mux. output pulse height and timing, BD,, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874056 | Ring Image Cherenkov detectors (RICH), 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2011.04.049 | Silicon photo multiplier (SiPM, MPPC) |
VATA450 | 64 CSA (±16 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC in every channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, Mikkelsen et al., AMICSA 2010, see footnote 1. | ASTRO-H, soft gamma-ray detector (SGD), arxiv.org/pdf/1010.4997.pdf | CZT, CdTe |
VATA451 | 64 CSA (±1.6 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | Focusing optics x-ray solar imager (FOXSI), , 10.1109/TNS.2011.2154342 | Silicon (Si), silicon drift detector (SDD) |
VATA453 | 64 CSA (-320fC to +400fC, 4.5 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height & trigger, BD, footnote 1. | Gamma ray imager/polarimeter for solar flares (GRIPS), 10.1117/12.926450 | Germanium (Ge) |
VATA460 | 32 CSA (±95 fC, 2 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | BepiColombo MMO, MPPE instrument, 10.1016/j.pss.2008.06.003 | Silicon strips |
VATA461 | 32 CSA (±5.5 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | ASTRO-H, hard x-ray imager (HXI), 10.1016/j.nima.2014.05.127, 10.1117/12.2055629 | CdTe, CZT |
VATA462 | 32 CSA (±500 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | ASTRO-H, GRB with BGO | Avalanche photodiodes (APD) with BGO scintillator |
ROICs for Radiation Detectors w/ Timing, Counting and Spectroscopy
Arrays of charge sensitive amplifiers (CSA), current-mode input stages (CMIS), peak detectors (PD), track-and-hold (T&H) and comparators for timing, counting and data readout.
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector |
IDE3465 | 16 CSA (±2.6 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs) and 4 CSA (±26 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs), mux. output pulse height and trigger pulses from all inputs, BD, footnote 1, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829764 | Charged particle counting, radiation monitoring, space 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829497 | Silicon strips/pads/diodes, PMT, MWPC |
IDE3466 | 32 CSA (+1 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs) and 4 CSA (+26 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs), with prg. single-channel analyzers and counters, track and hold, mux. output pulse height, BD, footnote 1, 10.1117/12.2231901 | Charged particle counting, radiation monitoring, space, JUICE mission 10.4236/jamp.2016.42052 | Silicon strips/pads/diodes |
CA3 | 32/64 CSA (-5 fC) with programmable thresholds and counters, COB 10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5401785 | Energy resolved photon counting, line scanners 10.1088/0031-9155/53/15/002 | CdTe, CZT |
IDE4184 | 128 CSA (-12 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, output pulse height and address, COB only | Gamma spectroscopy, imaging DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229184 | Cadmium zinc telluride (CZT, CdTe) |
IDE4281 | 12 CSA (-5 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, outputs pulse height and address, BD, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829763 | Gamma spectroscopy, space 110.1117/12.409149, 10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229184 | CZT, CdTe |
IDE3380 SIPHRA | 16 CMIS and CSA (-16nC, -8nC, -4nC, -400pC, +40pC, +4pC, +0.4pC, 0.2 µs to 1.6 µs), summing channel, current mode input stage, T&H, 12bit/50ksps SAR ADC, SPI, BD, CB, 110.13140/RG.2.1.1460.8882 | GRIPS, LaBr/SiPM, spectroscopy, fibers, HERD | SiPM, MPPC, PMT, MA-PMT |
IDE3381 APOCAT | 16 CMIS/CSA (-0.8nC, -0.4nC, -0.2nC, -0.1nC, ±40pC, individual prg. gain, 50ns, 150ns, 300ns, 2µs), 4×18-bit counters/ch., PD, T&H, 12-bit/2Msps ADC, SPI, BD | Array Photon Counters Above Threshold, ASO-S, 10.1117/12.2189062 | SiPM, MPPC, PMT, MA-PMT |
ROICs for Image Sensors
The following ICs have been designed for the readout of large area imaging arrays.
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector |
IDE8411 NIRCA | Near infrared readout controller ASIC (NIRCA), 4 × 12-bit, 2 Msps ADC, prg. gain and offsets, 8 digital inputs, prg. sequencer with 40 outputs, Near infrared readout controller ASIC (NIRCA), 4 × 12-bit, 2 Msps ADC, prg. gain and offsets, 8 digital inputs, prg. sequencer with 40 outputs, custom instruction set, 8 nested loops, ECC-RAM, footnote 1, 10.1117/12.2223619, 10.1117/12.2055839 | Engineering model, 10.1117/12.977964 | CMOS image sensors, focal plane arrays, HgCdTe, MCT, PbS, InSb, InGaAs, HAWAII2RG, NGP, micro bolometers |
IDE8420 NIRCA Mk2 | NIRCA with 16 × 14-bit, 12 Msps ADC, 16 digital outputs, with IMEC’s Design Against Radiation Effects (DARE), footnote 1. | Earth observation, astrophysics, space | |
IDE5101 MINC | VGA 640×480 pixels, 17-µm pitch, 14-bit dynamic range, 60 fps, windows, COB, footnote 1 | Hybrid image sensors, thermal infrared cameras | MBA – micro-bolometer arrays |
Footnote 1: Territorial or commercial sales restrictions might apply.
Disclaimer: Information in this document is true to best of our knowledge. However, we disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this information.
배송 지역 | 대한민국 전지역
배송비 | 2,500원 (50,000원 이상 결제시 무료배송)
배송기간 | 주말 공휴일 제외 2~5일
- 모든 배송은 택배사 사정으로 지연될 수 있습니다.
교환 및 반품 안내
- 고객 변심으로 인한 교환/반품은 상품 수령 후 14일 이내 가능합니다.
- 고객 귀책 사유로 인한 반품의 경우 왕복 택배비는 고객 부담입니다.
- 반품접수 기한이 지난 경우, 제품 및 패키지 훼손, 사용 흔적이 있는 제품은 교환/반품이 불가합니다.
Rev. 2021-02-02
Integrated Detector Electronics AS
Gjerdrums Vei 19, 0484 Oslo, Norway
IDEAS integrated circuits are designed for the readout of radiation detectors and image sensors. The circuits are available as bare dice (BD) or packaged chips, sold from stock and supplied on short notice. Although the ICs are application specific (ASIC) they are also suited for other applications. Some chips are only available with application specific boards (COB) or carrier boards (CB). A development system, called Galao kit, is available for most circuits to accelerate new product developments.
These are arrays of low-noise amplifiers (LNA) or charge sensing amplifiers (CSA), with track-and-hold (T&H) and multiplexed output (mux). These include the Viking Amplifiers (VA).
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector (examples) |
IDE1060 EARL | 34 LNA, diff. in/out, 8 gain, 4.3nV/√Hz at 10kHz, 20mW/LNA, 3.5VDD, 77K to 20ºC, BD, CQFP, 10.13140/RG.2.2.27382.65607 | Infrared sensor and focal plane array readout, 10.1117/12.858063 | MCT, HgCdTe |
IDE1140 | 64 CSA (±200 fC, 6.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Charged particle tracking, e.g., AMS, DAMPE 10.1016/j.nima.2008.05.015 | Silicon (Si) strips |
IDE1160 | 32 CSA (-5 pC to +13 pC, 2 µs), mux. output pulse height, BD | Spectroscopy or calorimetry, e.g. DAMPE 10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.036 | Photomultiplier (PMT) |
IDE1162 | 32 CSA (±1.5 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Charged particle tracking | Wire chamber, MWPC |
IDE1163 | 32 CSA (±750 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Charged particle tracking, e.g. BM@N | Wire chamber, MWPC |
IDE1180 AMADEUS | 16 CSA (prg. ±50, ±100, ±200, ±400 fC, 40 ns), with T&H, output for every amplifier, BD | Spectroscopy, imaging, e.g. ultra-violet, neutron detectors, 10.1117/12.2058412 | Micro-channel plate (MCP, GEM, RPC, MSGC, MWPC, TPC) |
VASCM3 | 3 128 CSA (±1 pC to ±20 pC) switched current mode (SCM), 50 ns to ms integration time, correlated double sampling (CDS), dead time free readout, mux. output, COB | Current mode x-ray readout, portal imaging, radiation dosimetry, 10.1016/j.nima.2004.03.079 | Silicon, thin-film transistor (TFT) arrays, CZT, Hgl |
VA32HDR14.2 | 32 CSA (-2 pC to + 13 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | CALET | |
VA32HDR14.3 | 32 CSA (-20 pC to + 8 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, BD | Readout system for multi-anode PMT, e.g., ROSMAP | Multi-anode photomultiplier (MA-PMT) |
VA2 | 128 CSA (±14 fC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height, 10.1016/0168-9002(94)90140-6 | Charged particle tracking, 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01062-8 | Silicon (Si) strips and pads |
ADC – Analog-to-Digital Converters
These are analog-to-digital converters, with and without triple modular redundancy (TMR). The TMR increases the radiation tolerance. The ADCs are IDEAS intellectual property (IP) blocks and can be combined with other circuits..
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector (examples) |
TBD(1) | SAR, 12-bit, 2 Msps, 10.5 ENOB, 25 mW, TMR, IP only | Science, Space | SiPM/PMT with APOCAT |
TBD(2) | SAR, 12-bit, 50 ksps, 11.5 ENOB, 1 mW, TMR, IP only | Science, Space | SiPM/PMT with SIPHRA |
TBD(3) | Pipeline, 14-bit, 12 Msps, 13 ENOB, 250 mW, TMR, IP only | Science, Space | MCT with NIRCA Mk2 |
TBD(4) | Pipeline, 14-bit, 20 Msps, 350 mW, IP only | Image Sensors | MBA with MINC |
ROICs for Radiation Detectors with Pulse Height Spectroscopy
These are arrays of charge sensitive amplifiers (CSA) with track and hold (T&H) and comparators to generate a trigger for the pulse height readout.
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector |
IDE3160 | 32 CSA (-5 pC to +13 pC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and one trigger, BD | Spectroscopy or calorimetry, e.g., DAMPE 10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.036 | Photomultiplier (PMT) |
VATAGP7 | 128 CSA (±30 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and address, BD | Charged particle tracking 10.1016/j.nima.2015.03.078 | Si, hybrid photon detector (HPD), GEM |
VATAGP8 | 128 CSA (±250 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and address, BD | Charged particle tracking, neutron detector | Si, hybrid photon detector (HPD) |
VATAGP9 | 256 CSA (±90 fC, 2 µs), T&H, mux. output pulse height and address, BD | Charged particle tracking, e.g. AEGIS | Si strips and pads |
IDE3421 | 128 CSA (prg. up to ±500 fC) with sampling pipeline, mux. output of sampled values and address, COB, footnote 1. | Gamma spectroscopy, isotope identification, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551939, e.g., COBRA | CZT, CdTe, TlBr, Germanium |
VATA64HDR16 | 64 CSA (-20 pC to +50 pC, 50 ns to 300 ns), T&H, mux. output pulse height and timing, BD,, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874056 | Ring Image Cherenkov detectors (RICH), 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2011.04.049 | Silicon photo multiplier (SiPM, MPPC) |
VATA450 | 64 CSA (±16 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC in every channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, Mikkelsen et al., AMICSA 2010, see footnote 1. | ASTRO-H, soft gamma-ray detector (SGD), arxiv.org/pdf/1010.4997.pdf | CZT, CdTe |
VATA451 | 64 CSA (±1.6 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | Focusing optics x-ray solar imager (FOXSI), , 10.1109/TNS.2011.2154342 | Silicon (Si), silicon drift detector (SDD) |
VATA453 | 64 CSA (-320fC to +400fC, 4.5 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height & trigger, BD, footnote 1. | Gamma ray imager/polarimeter for solar flares (GRIPS), 10.1117/12.926450 | Germanium (Ge) |
VATA460 | 32 CSA (±95 fC, 2 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | BepiColombo MMO, MPPE instrument, 10.1016/j.pss.2008.06.003 | Silicon strips |
VATA461 | 32 CSA (±5.5 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | ASTRO-H, hard x-ray imager (HXI), 10.1016/j.nima.2014.05.127, 10.1117/12.2055629 | CdTe, CZT |
VATA462 | 32 CSA (±500 fC, 3 µs), T&H, 10-bit ADC per channel, outputs digitized pulse height and trigger, BD, footnote 1. | ASTRO-H, GRB with BGO | Avalanche photodiodes (APD) with BGO scintillator |
ROICs for Radiation Detectors w/ Timing, Counting and Spectroscopy
Arrays of charge sensitive amplifiers (CSA), current-mode input stages (CMIS), peak detectors (PD), track-and-hold (T&H) and comparators for timing, counting and data readout.
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector |
IDE3465 | 16 CSA (±2.6 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs) and 4 CSA (±26 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs), mux. output pulse height and trigger pulses from all inputs, BD, footnote 1, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829764 | Charged particle counting, radiation monitoring, space 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829497 | Silicon strips/pads/diodes, PMT, MWPC |
IDE3466 | 32 CSA (+1 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs) and 4 CSA (+26 pC, 1 µs, 0.25 µs), with prg. single-channel analyzers and counters, track and hold, mux. output pulse height, BD, footnote 1, 10.1117/12.2231901 | Charged particle counting, radiation monitoring, space, JUICE mission 10.4236/jamp.2016.42052 | Silicon strips/pads/diodes |
CA3 | 32/64 CSA (-5 fC) with programmable thresholds and counters, COB 10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5401785 | Energy resolved photon counting, line scanners 10.1088/0031-9155/53/15/002 | CdTe, CZT |
IDE4184 | 128 CSA (-12 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, output pulse height and address, COB only | Gamma spectroscopy, imaging DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229184 | Cadmium zinc telluride (CZT, CdTe) |
IDE4281 | 12 CSA (-5 fC, 0.5 µs), T&H, outputs pulse height and address, BD, 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829763 | Gamma spectroscopy, space 110.1117/12.409149, 10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229184 | CZT, CdTe |
IDE3380 SIPHRA | 16 CMIS and CSA (-16nC, -8nC, -4nC, -400pC, +40pC, +4pC, +0.4pC, 0.2 µs to 1.6 µs), summing channel, current mode input stage, T&H, 12bit/50ksps SAR ADC, SPI, BD, CB, 110.13140/RG.2.1.1460.8882 | GRIPS, LaBr/SiPM, spectroscopy, fibers, HERD | SiPM, MPPC, PMT, MA-PMT |
IDE3381 APOCAT | 16 CMIS/CSA (-0.8nC, -0.4nC, -0.2nC, -0.1nC, ±40pC, individual prg. gain, 50ns, 150ns, 300ns, 2µs), 4×18-bit counters/ch., PD, T&H, 12-bit/2Msps ADC, SPI, BD | Array Photon Counters Above Threshold, ASO-S, 10.1117/12.2189062 | SiPM, MPPC, PMT, MA-PMT |
ROICs for Image Sensors
The following ICs have been designed for the readout of large area imaging arrays.
Circuit ID | Description and Restrictions | Application, Reference | Sensor/Detector |
IDE8411 NIRCA | Near infrared readout controller ASIC (NIRCA), 4 × 12-bit, 2 Msps ADC, prg. gain and offsets, 8 digital inputs, prg. sequencer with 40 outputs, Near infrared readout controller ASIC (NIRCA), 4 × 12-bit, 2 Msps ADC, prg. gain and offsets, 8 digital inputs, prg. sequencer with 40 outputs, custom instruction set, 8 nested loops, ECC-RAM, footnote 1, 10.1117/12.2223619, 10.1117/12.2055839 | Engineering model, 10.1117/12.977964 | CMOS image sensors, focal plane arrays, HgCdTe, MCT, PbS, InSb, InGaAs, HAWAII2RG, NGP, micro bolometers |
IDE8420 NIRCA Mk2 | NIRCA with 16 × 14-bit, 12 Msps ADC, 16 digital outputs, with IMEC’s Design Against Radiation Effects (DARE), footnote 1. | Earth observation, astrophysics, space | |
IDE5101 MINC | VGA 640×480 pixels, 17-µm pitch, 14-bit dynamic range, 60 fps, windows, COB, footnote 1 | Hybrid image sensors, thermal infrared cameras | MBA – micro-bolometer arrays |
Footnote 1: Territorial or commercial sales restrictions might apply.
Disclaimer: Information in this document is true to best of our knowledge. However, we disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this information.
배송 지역 | 대한민국 전지역
배송비 | 2,500원 (50,000원 이상 결제시 무료배송)
배송기간 | 주말 공휴일 제외 2~5일
- 모든 배송은 택배사 사정으로 지연될 수 있습니다.
교환 및 반품 안내
- 고객 변심으로 인한 교환/반품은 상품 수령 후 14일 이내 가능합니다.
- 고객 귀책 사유로 인한 반품의 경우 왕복 택배비는 고객 부담입니다.
- 반품접수 기한이 지난 경우, 제품 및 패키지 훼손, 사용 흔적이 있는 제품은 교환/반품이 불가합니다.
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