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가격문의(상세정보 참조)

The Nano-UHV50 is a two axis UHV compatible piezo nanopositioning system constructed from titanium or invar. Made entirely from UHV compatible materials, the Nano-UHV50 is bakeable to 100°C for vacuum applications in the 10-10 Torr range. A 1 inch (25mm) center aperture provides an optical pathway or access for sample holders. Internal position sensors utilizing proprietary PicoQ® technology provide absolute, repeatable position measurement with picometer accuracy. Cable lengths and connectors are customized for the actual installation. Connector wiring is compatible with Accu-Glass Products electrical feedthrough flanges - compatibility with other types of flanges may be requested.

Note: Customized UHV stages are always welcome - just email or call to discuss your special requirements.

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