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The Nano-UHV50 is a two axis UHV compatible piezo nanopositioning system constructed from titanium or invar. Made entirely from UHV compatible materials, the Nano-UHV50 is bakeable to 100°C for vacuum applications in the 10-10 Torr range. A 1 inch (25mm) center aperture provides an optical pathway or access for sample holders. Internal position sensors utilizing proprietary PicoQ® technology provide absolute, repeatable position measurement with picometer accuracy. Cable lengths and connectors are customized for the actual installation. Connector wiring is compatible with Accu-Glass Products electrical feedthrough flanges - compatibility with other types of flanges may be requested.
Note: Customized UHV stages are always welcome - just email or call to discuss your special requirements.
제품 설명
The Nano-UHV50 is a two axis UHV compatible piezo nanopositioning system constructed from titanium or invar. Made entirely from UHV compatible materials, the Nano-UHV50 is bakeable to 100°C for vacuum applications in the 10-10 Torr range. A 1 inch (25mm) center aperture provides an optical pathway or access for sample holders. Internal position sensors utilizing proprietary PicoQ® technology provide absolute, repeatable position measurement with picometer accuracy. Cable lengths and connectors are customized for the actual installation. Connector wiring is compatible with Accu-Glass Products electrical feedthrough flanges - compatibility with other types of flanges may be requested.
Note: Customized UHV stages are always welcome - just email or call to discuss your special requirements.
제품 설명
![]() | Typical Applications
기술 사양
Range of motion (X) | 50 μm |
Range of motion (Y) | 50 μm |
Resolution (XY) | 0.1 nm |
Resonant Frequency (X) | 500 Hz ±20% |
Resonant Frequency (Y) | 250 Hz ±20% |
Stiffness | 0.5 N/μm |
θ roll, θ pitch (typical) | ≤1 μrad |
θ yaw (typical) | ≤3 μrad |
Recommended max. load (horizontal)* | 0.5 kg |
Recommended max. load (vertical)* | 0.2 kg |
Body Material | Invar or Titanium |
Controller | Nano-Drive® |
* Larger load requirements should be discussed with our engineering staff. |
추가 정보
Nano-UHV50 Drawing![]() | Nano-UHV50 Catalog Pages![]() |
배송 지역 | 대한민국 전지역
배송비 | 2,500원 (50,000원 이상 결제시 무료배송)
배송기간 | 주말 공휴일 제외 2~5일
- 모든 배송은 택배사 사정으로 지연될 수 있습니다.
교환 및 반품 안내
- 고객 변심으로 인한 교환/반품은 상품 수령 후 14일 이내 가능합니다.
- 고객 귀책 사유로 인한 반품의 경우 왕복 택배비는 고객 부담입니다.
- 반품접수 기한이 지난 경우, 제품 및 패키지 훼손, 사용 흔적이 있는 제품은 교환/반품이 불가합니다.
제품 설명
The Nano-UHV50 is a two axis UHV compatible piezo nanopositioning system constructed from titanium or invar. Made entirely from UHV compatible materials, the Nano-UHV50 is bakeable to 100°C for vacuum applications in the 10-10 Torr range. A 1 inch (25mm) center aperture provides an optical pathway or access for sample holders. Internal position sensors utilizing proprietary PicoQ® technology provide absolute, repeatable position measurement with picometer accuracy. Cable lengths and connectors are customized for the actual installation. Connector wiring is compatible with Accu-Glass Products electrical feedthrough flanges - compatibility with other types of flanges may be requested.
Note: Customized UHV stages are always welcome - just email or call to discuss your special requirements.
제품 설명
![]() | Typical Applications
기술 사양
Range of motion (X) | 50 μm |
Range of motion (Y) | 50 μm |
Resolution (XY) | 0.1 nm |
Resonant Frequency (X) | 500 Hz ±20% |
Resonant Frequency (Y) | 250 Hz ±20% |
Stiffness | 0.5 N/μm |
θ roll, θ pitch (typical) | ≤1 μrad |
θ yaw (typical) | ≤3 μrad |
Recommended max. load (horizontal)* | 0.5 kg |
Recommended max. load (vertical)* | 0.2 kg |
Body Material | Invar or Titanium |
Controller | Nano-Drive® |
* Larger load requirements should be discussed with our engineering staff. |
추가 정보
Nano-UHV50 Drawing![]() | Nano-UHV50 Catalog Pages![]() |
배송 지역 | 대한민국 전지역
배송비 | 2,500원 (50,000원 이상 결제시 무료배송)
배송기간 | 주말 공휴일 제외 2~5일
- 모든 배송은 택배사 사정으로 지연될 수 있습니다.
교환 및 반품 안내
- 고객 변심으로 인한 교환/반품은 상품 수령 후 14일 이내 가능합니다.
- 고객 귀책 사유로 인한 반품의 경우 왕복 택배비는 고객 부담입니다.
- 반품접수 기한이 지난 경우, 제품 및 패키지 훼손, 사용 흔적이 있는 제품은 교환/반품이 불가합니다.
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